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Feminine and quality! No need to say more!
Thank you for the stars! Xo, Cosabella
So comfy, soft and beautiful!
Delighted friend received her gift card, and is very pleased with her options selected, 3 items thanks to the great sale options!
Thank you for the love! Xo, Cosabella
I love these but the lace starts to get holes pretty quickly.
Ordered the digital gift card and received it in minutes. My wife will be excited when she gets it.
Thank you for the stars! Xo, Cosabella
Got this for my wife for her birthday because she wanted something new. She’s really looking forward to using the gift card.
Thank you for shopping with us! XO, Cosabella
These are soft and stylish pajamas. I was pleasantly surprised by the bottoms! The are like boyshort type instead of loose boxer type..which means they are more comfortable and will stay in place.
Thank you for the stars! XO, Cosabella
Love these bralettes and want them in lots of colors
We are thrilled to receive the stars from you! XO, Cosabella
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